Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Endless Wash Cycle

I'm not sure if I've posted about my laundry obsession before, so forgive me if I have.
I am a third generation (at least) "laundry freak." That's right--as far as household chores go, I actually enjoy doing laundry. Making the piles disappear over the course of a day is a visually rewarding task for me. If I have my laundry caught up, I feel like I am more caught up on life.
I know I wouldn't have to do laundry as often as I do. Except for jeans, it is not like we run out of clothes between each cycle. And, there are other places in the house that really should be tackled--like the bathroom for instance. Teresa got into the Vaseline as I was packing last Friday morning and smeared it all over the bathroom mirror and wall. I have looked at it several times as I have passed through to gather a load of towels or clean out the laundry basket. Always preferring to head straight down to the washing machine, the slimy smears are still there as I type. And my windows? They really need some attention. I thought about washing them today as it is nice and sunny, but I hear it is supposed to be very windy. I think I'll stay inside and wash bedding instead.
After taking a couple days off from my household hobby, I was faced with a particularly huge mountain of laundry yesterday morning. By last night I was claiming victory over it. I even had most of it put away! (Unfortunately my laundry enthusiasm usually does not extend to the actual putting away of the clothes.)
The problem with this laundry high is that the feeling of accomplishment is very short lived. By this morning, another mountain is starting to build . . . and so the cycle continues.
I have just a few days to train and regain my stamina for the next mountain I must climb.

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