Friday, December 22, 2017

Monday, December 18, 2017

Happy 6th Birthday, Rachel!

Happy 6th Birthday, Rachel!

December 14 FINALLY arrived and Rachel turned 6! She got a new purple Barbie car this year, which I don't have a picture of yet! Oops. It's been zooming around the house full of Barbies since her birthday. 
It has been so much fun seeing her enthusiasm for school this fall. She's learning all sorts of big words, too. On Saturday morning, she was calling from her room. I thought she said she had a "catastrophe."  "No," she said, "a DISASTROPHE!" (I think that is worse than a catastrophe.) She couldn't decide what to wear. :)

Sunday, December 17, 2017

All Saints Christmas Program

This year, our All Saints youth presented "Live from Bethlehem" for their parents, grandparents and friends.

Friday, December 1, 2017


Wow--almost a month has passed since my last post!
What have I been doing?  Well, I'm not really sure!
I turned 39, so that's something.

And so far, 39 is pretty great!
As is the case for most Decembers, I don't plan to blog much as my focus turns to concerts, programs, shopping, wrapping, baking, Christmas cards, etc.  However, could you all do me a favor?  I'd like to compile a list of my readers' favorite blog entries over the years--nine years in January!  If you'd like to go over the archives while you're waiting for new stuff (all entries are on the right hand side of the blog) and send me a note at, I'd really appreciate hearing from you!
Have a great first day of December!