Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Belated Blog-o-versary

I missed my big Blog-o-versary back in January.  I published my first post on January 5, 2009.  Remember that one? 
You didn't? 
Don't feel bad.  I didn't either, so I had to review.  It seems some things haven't changed all that much in these past three years!  (If you wish to relive the magic of where this all started, too, you can find the The First Post here.)
As you may have noticed, this blog is just like me--a dabbler in all sorts of things.  I've never been one to devote my entire life to one subject.  I just have too many things I want to try (or dream of trying) to focus on just one thing!  Of course, the downside to that is I am a "jack of all trades, master of none," but so be it. 
That's ME.   
You could probably sum up this blog the same way you can sum up my priorities in life: FAITH, FAMILY, FRIENDS, and FOOD.
What's coming up? 
Probably more of the same with better pictures from my new camera.  Although this won't become a photography blog, I am learning more about DSLR photography and am loving it!  (Add that to my list of trades.)  Oh--and I've been watching The Nate Berkus Show daily, so expect some furniture re- upholstery and painting projects, too!
It has been awhile since I have thanked you for stopping by, so I want to make sure you know how much I appreciate your taking the time to read these words.  I always love it when people tell me this blog is a break in their work day, the playlist is their favorite "radio station," a post is an inspiration to them, or that my family makes theirs feel normal. 
(Does that mean that we're BOTH normal, or that mine is just weird?)  Never mind.  Don't tell me. :o)

Thanks for coming along on the journey. 

Don't ever forget we're all in this together.



1 comment:

  1. Happy Blog-o-versary!!! And congrats on your purchase of a DSLR! I've had mine about a year and a half now and am still trying to figure the darn thing out! So many settings to play with!
