Sunday, June 27, 2010


We had a wind storm one mid-May afternoon that blew down our mailbox. The post was pretty much hanging from its last sliver since getting knocked over by a combine a few years back, so its falling really did not come as a shock.
The problem was that David did not have time to put up our new one at the time. I had already painted a new box and put new vinyl lettering on it. It just didn't have a post!
Our mail carrier brought our mail to our door for about a week until we told her we would just pick it up at the post office. That lasted about another week until I got tired of having to load up the kids to get the mail every day.
One day, our mail carrier forgot to keep the mail in town and brought it to our door. I told her my predicament about having a very pretty mailbox, but no post. She said I could put the box out on the lawn and she would still use it.
On my way out to the road, I picked up one of my antique cream cans to give it a little height. That brought about the patio chair idea with the nice yellow strap, which made it the perfect height. Our mailbox stayed in this condition for at least two weeks. It was so beautiful, I lost count of the days.
Yesterday David finally had the time to put it all together. I have to admit, I didn't think he would let my hideous mailbox contraption stay out there for so long. He MUST have been busy!



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