Friday, February 5, 2010


This idea was posted by a local homeschool mom and fellow blogger a few days ago.
Oobleck is so awesome! Even David and I were mesmerized by it (although that doesn't take much). Then I let my true fun-testers at it. Nathan and Teresa have been playing with it for 20 minutes now, and they are not as easily amused, so it MUST be fun.

All you need is 1 1/2 cups corn starch and 1 cup water. Mix it up in a cake pan or cookie sheet and play away! It looks like a liquid, but your fingers will find it surprisingly solid when touching the top of it. It will turn solid when it is being played with and then will return to its liquid form.
We had to make ours green because EVERYTHING is better when it is John Deere green! Thanks, Alicia, for an awesome idea. You can find a link to her blog at the bottom of this page.

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