Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sneaky Snacker

Nathan loves snacks. He asks for snacks from sun up until sun down every day--in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad. He has even asked for a snack as I was clearing the table after a meal. His snack of choice? Candy.
Thanks to Landen's being in school this year, we had a steady supply of candy from the Homecoming parade until Easter Sunday. The kids get to eat their candy (whatever Mom & Dad don't take first), but we ration it out. They might get one or two things for their afternoon snack if they ask for it. This obviously was not enough sugar for Nathan.
For awhile, he was getting into the candy cupboard in the morning before David or I got up. Landen became the candy police and Nathan got his snacks taken away for each day we caught him chocolate-handed. With that not working anymore, I had to do something else. Sleeping in the kitchen was not an option. Neither was electric fencing. (Too close to the sink.) I happened to have an extra child safety lock, so I put that on the cupboard door to deter him.
A few weeks, maybe months, passed and he obviously hadn't been able to sneak any Fruities or chocolate baseballs. I thought he wouldn't notice if I took the lock off. That little guy is more sneaky than even I give him credit for.
I started occasionally finding candy wrappers under his bed. The next time I vacuumed, I found several more wrappers behind David's recliner. Most recently, Teresa told on him without saying a word as she brought out three granola bars from behind the rocking elephant in the living room. A look behind produced more Tootsie Pop wrappers and sticks.
The lock is now back on.
Where would my sweet little boy come up with such devious behavior?
I will have to ask the man who, may years ago, hid cookies under living room chairs to save them for Saturday morning cartoons.

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