Tuesday, March 24, 2009

"Reality" TV

I jumped on the reality show bandwagon with the start of "Survivor." A zillion seasons later, David and I are still watching it.
Since then there have been too many reality shows to count. There are some I never could understand (remember "The Mole"?), some I ignore for the most part ("Big Brother" and . . . gasp . . . "The Bachelor"), and some I watch on certain nights and not on others (the singing night of "American Idol" is worth my time, but I can only stand the last 2 minutes of the elimination show.)
When I started walking in recent months, I found "The Biggest Loser" to be an inspiration to me--especially the weigh in's. Thankful that I didn't have to weigh in on national TV in a sports bra and spandex, I became more than willing to walk a little faster or a little longer to keep that from happening!
Opponents of "reality" shows will tell you that they are not real. My answer is, of course they're not! If I wanted real life, I obviously wouldn't be watching them.

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