Friday, December 18, 2009

Big Girl Bed

Yesterday we said goodbye to an old friend--our crib. We've been through a lot together--3 babies and many, many nights of sleep and afternoon naps. Even David crawled in it one night to calm Landen down. Landen used to crawl in with his baby brother and sleep there until we went to bed and moved him to his own bed. Yes, our crib served us well, but it was time to move on to bigger and better things.
Surprisingly, it was not as an emotional experience as I had expected. It makes it easier that we just have it stored downstairs and I can go and "visit" it whenever I wish. :o)
Parting with our baby "stuff" has been a slow process for me. I have lent our other baby gear & baby girl clothes to David's cousin and his wife who just had a baby girl. My best friend's little boy is the proud recipient of our little boys' clothes. I am more than happy to get more use out of these things . . . I'm just not ready to completely say goodbye forever just yet. If I ever do manage to get into quilting, I hope to make a quilt out of some of their baby clothes. But, that will be many, many years down the road.
Teresa was not yet crawling out of her crib, but she was crawling into it--climbing up on a chair, hoisting herself up and over the rail with a death-defying dive, tuck, and roll onto the mattress below. It really was quite terrifying to watch.
Mostly, though, I was excited to get her into a bed so she could use her new quilt. I designed a quilt last summer and it was already completed in November. It was a group effort. My design and fabric choices were combined with very talented ladies in Faulkton and a wonderful long-arm quilter in Aberdeen who made it a reality. It is a fun quilt that resembles a Mary Jane shoe. My mother-in-law said the pattern needed a more catchy name, so I have decided to name it "Sweet T."
Teresa loves it. As she moves downstairs someday when she is a bit older, I plan to decorate her room with her various baby shoes. She just loves shoes. I don't know how she got to be so girly, but I love it!
She spent her first night in her bed last night and it was a success. Now she will have even more room for all of her stuffed friends!

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