Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Rough Re-entry

I am afraid I am going through "Grandma Detox" just like the kids after a weekend away. Yesterday I buzzed from task to task, but never did feel much of a sense of accomplishment. Instead, I felt like I was forgetting to do something more important. Even with the boys gone with Dad & Grandpa for most of the day, I had peace in the house, but did not feel it. I should be happy to be home after being away so many days in a row, but I still want to go somewhere else. Maybe it is because I had looked forward to last weekend so much and now it is over. I suspect it has something to do with being within the Sioux Falls city limits and not having time to stop at Hobby Lobby.
I think I needed more of a gradual re-entry into the Melius farm atmosphere. We weren't home five minutes on Monday before David was heading out to spray the crops and I was weeding the garden. The kids zig-zagged through the yard like little muddy bouncy balls after their long road trip and I was counting the hours until bedtime.
Today David will be able to put in another long day spraying fields. That is good for him, but a VERY long day for me. Our refrigerator is resembling its state in David's bachelor days (minus the fermenting orange juice), so I am trying to think of something fun to incorporate with a grocery run. We could go to the pool, but that wouldn't be until late this afternoon. I do not have enough milk or patience to make it that long. Maybe a trip to the park will do. With a stop for ice cream on the way home. For the kids, of course.

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