Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fun 4th

I feel a bit jet lagged today, even though I have only been traveling the countryside in a minivan and never crossed a single time zone. It feels like Monday, even though it is Tuesday. I also think it feels much later in the morning than 9am.
We had a most wonderful weekend in Leola. Our family's float and "Rhubarb Queen Wannabes" entry (my mom & 2 aunts) won the Most Humorous Entry. I did not get a picture of them all, but do have one of my mom, sister, and me together.

We threw hundreds and hundreds of Mardi Gras beads. The float was covered when we started and by the end we were dismantling the decorations to make sure every kid in the crowd got one. On the last turn, one of my uncles turned and shouted, "Take everything off!" Then he quickly specified what he meant. I was telling my sister & brother in law that if we would have had to start throwing clothes, everyone would probably be lined up at the end of the parade next time. They thought either that or everyone would be sure to be at the BEGINNING. :o)
Spending the two days in Leola was much like being home again. I spent a lot of time there with my grandparents growing up. I went to so many weddings at the Catholic church and dances at the Legion hall that I once thought I would have my wedding there as well. (When the time came, it was much more practical to have our wedding in my actual home church and town of Eureka.) I lived there part-time after my freshman year in college when I babysat my newborn cousin and helped my grandma after she broke her heel. I lived with my grandparents as I student taught HS English at Leola HS during my last semester of college. I have so many wonderful memories there, when life was double orders of french fries at the cafe after Saturday night mass, falling to sleep at Grandma & Grandpa's house, and preparing for my teaching career and forthcoming wedding. I will always be thankful for the happy times I've spent in Leola--my second home town.
On Sunday we traveled down to MN to our niece's 2nd birthday party. We had a beautiful afternoon to visit and play outside. It truly was the "icing on the cake" for the weekend. David chose this Barbie trike for her and even assembled it at the party. What a nice uncle! I have to say he is getting pretty efficient at assembling pink toys! Happy Birthday to Lily today--our family's 7/7/07 baby!

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