Thursday, July 16, 2009

Teresa's New Tricks

Here is Teresa just a little while after we lost her for a brief time at Leola's 125th Celebration. I have lost sight of all three children on our farm at one time or another. I have been brought to tears more than once when shouting their names only brought silence. David makes fun of me for "calling the National Guard" as soon as I can't see them for two minutes. I can't help it. I did not grow up on a farm, so I really don't know all the places a young child would find interesting. I just see dangerous places. I recently heard Michael J. Fox say in an interview that the first years of parenting are basically just suicide watch. Amen to that.
Losing a child in a crowd of people, however, was a whole different experience. Almost two weeks later, I am still shaken by those minutes--five? ten? maybe fewer?--of fruitlessly scanning the crowd with my daughter nowhere to be seen. Several people started helping us look for her and shortly after that David found her about a half block away. A couple of ladies had seen her crying and picked her up.
The ironic thing is I had seen a child on a leash while we rode through the parade and thought that was SO inhumane. As I hugged by daughter, I didn't think that was such a bad idea anymore.
Oh, I seem to have digressed. I see the title of this post is "Teresa's New Tricks" and I haven't even gotten to that yet. Here they are:
1. She is doing well with body part identification.
Earlier this week, David told her she could be "cute as a button," but she still couldn't be naughty. She pulled up her shirt and showed him her belly button.
2. She doesn't like an audience.
As of Monday, she says Grandpa. Actually, it is more like "Ba-Pa." She will not say this in front of Grandpa, though.
3. She thinks she is ready to be a big girl.
I bought a pack of underwear in Aberdeen and she found them yesterday morning. She knew exactly what they were. When I was talking to David at breakfast, all I said was, "She will have to learn how to use those underwear." She immediately pushed her chair away from the table and ran to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet for a few minutes and did NOT want me to put a diaper back on her when she jumped down. I ended up putting the princess underwear on over her diaper because she wanted to wear them so badly. Now, I HAVE NEVER BEEN ONE TO HINDER A WILLING POTTY TRAINEE, but with a basement in chaos, a toy room to organize and visitors due to arrive in a few hours, it was just not a good time for this mom to take on that project. I carefully hid the remaining pairs until we are both ready. I would like to introduce the idea while it is still warm outside, though. If she is like Nathan and doesn't like to feel wet, it will take no time at all.
4. She really, really likes hot dogs.
Who knew mystery meat could be so darn yummy?

Teresa revels in her role as the cute baby sister. Even Landen says, "T is so sweet." or "T is so adorable!" I'm sure it is a tough job being the baby of the family, but someone has to do it.

"Though she'll grow and someday leave, maybe raise a family.
When I'm gone, I hope you'll see how happy she made me.
For I'll be there, in my daughter's eyes."
~Martina McBride ~ "In My Daughter's Eyes"

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness... she looks so much like you Laura!! She is so cute!!
