Saturday, February 21, 2009

Subconscious Guilt

A good friend of mine is a freelance writer and also writes a blog called "Parenting by Trial and Error." She recently wrote an entry on playing with your children and if it is really necessary. As I was reading it, I noticed just how much of my life I spend feeling guilty without even realizing it!

I feel guilty for not playing with my kids enough.
I feel guilty when I need to ask someone to watch my kids.
I feel guilty when they are happy watching a movie or tv show (even if it is educational).
I feel guilty if I am doing something I enjoy (i.e. Facebook or knitting) while I have a quiet moment.
I feel guilty if they have been playing downstairs for awhile and I haven't checked on them. (Even though that's what I WANT them to do!)
I feel guilty if I am too tired to talk much when David comes in the house.
Pretty much if you can name it--I have felt guilty about it.

Like I said--it was so much a part of my life, I didn't even realize I was doing it!
Now I am really trying to make a conscious effort to just stop the guilt. The only person it hurts is me. Everyone else seems pretty happy around here--when they're not beating up on each other, that is.
I am not a big player with my kids. I enjoy reading to them (surprise, surprise) and working with them--baking with them for example. I do play occasionally, but I would rather they entertain each other while I get my other work done around the house.
Maybe I feel I should play with them more because my mom spent so much time playing with me. (I really am thankful, Mom!!) But, then I have to realize that I was an only child for almost 7 years. On the other hand, my mother in law who had 4 children in about 6 years says she "never" played with her children--except to read, of course. She told them that's why she had so many kids so close together! When she told me that before I had children I thought that was pretty harsh, but now I know exactly what she meant. I have told Landen several times, "That's why God gave you a little brother." That is usually answered with, "But I don't want a brother!" Which, of course, I answer with, "Tough."
It is now time to get back to my mommy work--before I start to feel guilty again!

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