Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Brotherly Love

Teresa sustained a minor arm injury--again--on Saturday. This has happened several times before while playing/wrestling/fighting with her brothers. When it happens, it always hurts her for the rest of the day.
This time Nathan was the culprit.
Then it is always completely painfree in the morning. Such was the case again on Sunday.
When I picked Nathan up from preschool yesterday, one of his teachers asked if he had broken Teresa's arm. I explained the situation and she told me that he had made his sister a valentine.
He was very excited to give this heart to Teresa, along with a cookie and candy hearts from his party. She held onto her heart for the rest of the ride home.
Today they were both playing outside at our friends' house. Roxanne said she saw Nathan walking toward the house as she heard a high pitched scream from Teresa. Teresa had gotten herself stuck in a snowbank. As Nathan got closer, he said, "We're gonna need a shovel."
Nathan can be a tough one to figure out. I'm not sure I ever will, God love the little guy. But, one thing is for sure. He loves his brother and sister and he does a great job of watching out for his younger playmate.
He made that heart for Teresa, but it was an awesome Valentine for me, too. So much of my time as a mother is spent telling my children to be nice to each other, showing them how to be nice to each other, and sometimes just telling them to "knock it off."
When I see them showing their love for each other, it truly is a most welcome gift.

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