Saturday, May 2, 2009

Spring Planting

The patio blueberry plant and blueberry food arrived this past week. The kids and I planted it this morning. It is a very tiny baby plant. Landen thought that maybe a blueberry would appear by tomorrow, but I told him we may have to wait until August. If nothing happens by August 1, I will hear about it--of that I am sure.
I have so many plants started by the south downstairs window, I'm surprised the police haven't showed up yet to make sure it is just peppers, herbs, and flowers that I'm growing!
I am getting excited to start the garden and so are the boys. Nathan was digging in the gravel today and telling me where he was going to put his carrots and green beans.
My father-in-law will till our garden plot when he has time, but it is a good thing that has has not had a chance to do it yet. Nice, black, freshly tilled earth would be WAAAYY too tempting for my little boys and girl until it warms up consistenly enough to plant our veggies and flowers.
Already this morning I looked in the backyard and saw Nathan in nothing but his shirt and underwear playing in a some mud he had made with his yellow watering can. (He has a BIG aversion to ANY wet clothing on his body. Last Sunday it was raining after church, so he pulled his pant legs up to his underwear for the walk to the van.) I tried to tell him that it was not quite warm enough for no jeans, but he did not believe me. Oddly enough, he came in the house just a few minutes later looking for hot chocolate.
Yes, whether it is wheat or corn, blueberries or black eyed susans, we have planting fever here at the Melius farm!

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