Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Cook

At one of my bridal showers, David's aunt read a list of rules for the farmer's wife. One of them was to have meals ready to eat a half hour early or two hours late.
This morning David told me, "I will definitely not be here for dinner."
So, at about noon, I brought out the leftover tacos and was ready to call the kids into eat. Then I realized David was still buzzing around the yard on the four-wheeler. Yep--he was going to be here for dinner. No problem, I thought. I would just heat up a little extra casserole from yesterday and we would have enough. He said he would be in to eat in about 15 minutes.
As I was returning from taking the shop vac outside, I overheard David on his phone saying something was happening in 45 minutes. I found out his dad would also be joining us for dinner then.
After that, the menu changed to grilled burgers and the taco lettuce became salad.
I really don't mind. I am not an outside hands-on farm wife, so cooking is something I am happy to do and it is always fun to have Grandpa or Grandma (or both) here with us.
It is just funny how flexible the farmer's wife has to be when it comes to meals. I would add to the rule listed above: " . . . and must feed 4-8 people with limited leftovers."

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