Friday, May 29, 2009

The Baby

With Teresa soon to be 19 months, I can already see my baby turning into a little girl. She's not really talking yet, but has plenty of personality, motor skills, and is turning into a little domestic goddess--like me, of course.
Soon the chubby hands and cheeks will lose their baby look. Someday--I hope later than sooner--she will decide that those chubby legs aren't all that great of a present from her mother. We've had evidence of a few tantrums and there's even been talk of a--gasp!--toddler bed in her future.
Don't get my wrong--I love my kids at every stage (even if I don't particularly like the stage they are in. . . .) But, the baby stage is so precious and fleeting. Since Landen, I have had a baby arrive just as the previous baby was growing into toddlerhood. That is not the case this time and I am suprisingly OK with that. Life has gotten somewhat easier with all of them able to walk on their own and feed themselves. If Teresa stays the youngest, she will just have to be my baby forever--even if she doesn't look like one anymore.
Here are some pictures of my baby taken over the past couple days.

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