Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The highlight reel, but still real

I have a confession to make.  (Well, nothing too earth-shattering, but still.)  I don't read many blogs.  The reason?  Blogs written by people don't know in real life tend to leave me feeling less than adequate.  If I know the writer, I know a few of their not-so-great moments and know they are human just like me.  I can appreciate their words.  But, if I don't, I can only assume the writer I only know through a blog lives the happy and charmed life portrayed in the always-positive posts.  Even though I know it, I FORGET

What used to be reserved solely for Christmas letters can now be updated infinitely if the writer desires not only on a blog, but Facebook or Twitter or whatever.  (I still don't hashtag--I feel like I'm about 90 years old.)  I think there's even a coined term for this feeling of inadequacy--mom jealousy, or something like that.  
The best compliment I can receive as a blogger is that my blog is real or honest.  I don't want to portray some sort of perfect rural South Dakota existence.  If you think that we do live in a fairy tale, please come and visit.  After five minutes, your illusion will be shattered.  Guaranteed. :) 
But, there's a fine line when it comes to how much postive or negative to blog.  How real can/should I go?  Of course, I am not going to share anything too deeply personal for all the world to see.  (Not that I have any deep, dark secrets . . . unless the kids' bus drivers and teachers say otherwise!)  No one likes a Pollyanna, but no one likes a complainer, either.  Thanks to my genes, I wake up nearly every morning feeling nervous/anxious/worried for no reason and working out is my natural Zoloft. . . do people really want to read that?  Probably not.  Like everyone, I end most days stressed and needing to decompress . . . wondering if I planted any seeds in my children's lives that day.  I acknowledge that sometimes people can confuse sharing faith with preaching.  My faith is my foundation not because I am some holy person, but because I WANT to be.  To tell you the truth, I don't know how anyone could navigate this world without a faith life.  At least I can't.  And that's why I keep trudging on the faith journey and sharing it with you.
And, so, this blog will remain our family's highlight reel with a little real-ness mixed in.  Yes, my kids and I make real apple pies, but we eat plenty of hot dogs, too.  Yes, I have had the opportunity to be home with my children, but I have spent more days than I care to admit begrudging that I didn't have a job outside of home. 
I will continue to write is as I try to write our yearly Christmas letters--how I really try to live--acknowledging that our family faces adversity, but trying to concentrate on the blessings of life. 
Because none of us live a perfectly charmed life, no matter what impressions our blogs give.
But, we all are blessed--maybe in very different ways--but we are all BLESSED.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Laura. Besides being a "highlight reel" for others, your blog can serve as your family journal. How glad you'll be when they're grown up to have this amazing record of the younger years. That's half the reason I do it, besides the ongoing compulsion to write.

    Those Pinteresty mommy bloggers are all trying to become the next Pioneer Woman. Nothing wrong with that, but mommy blogging can actually be a career. (Not one I would want personally.) As a career, the blog becomes more a facade than a highlight reel--even the posts where they "highlight" the chaos and bad times. It all feels staged sometimes.

    But you should learn to love #hashtags. They #rock. :)
