Monday, October 28, 2013

Helping each other on the journey

This morning, Rachel and I were driving along the highway, commenting on tractors, bales, and all things farm related, when my van sent me a message.  LOW PRESSURE. 
Thankfully, we were just a few miles from our destination, so we pulled into the gas station and found out that we would need a new tire. 
Obviously, this was not in my plan at all.  I had planned to get a few groceries, a bridal shower gift, and head back home before lunch.
Well, we still did those things, but that was after I enteretained Rachel in the gas station with a huge chocolate chip cookie and plastic jack o'lantern decorations for what seemed like a very long time. 
It was while we waited that a man from our town came in the station.  He had undergone a major surgery in the summer of 2012 and I had followed his Caringbridge site and had left a few brief comments throughout his long recovery, as he and his wife were far away from home for many weeks.  We've seen each other since then, but we hadn't actually talked.
He told me how much that meant to him that I took an interest in his story and recovery.  I told him how much he helped me, as I was so scared for Rachel's upcoming surgery and I was inspired by his experiences.
I didn't know my comments meant so much to him and he didn't know that he was helping me, too, at the same time.

It never ceases to amaze me how God connects us all. 

Thank God for flat tires.
And giant chocolate chip cookies.
And reminders of His presence in our lives.

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