Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween!

The costumes are ready and Teresa's birthday present . . . oops . . . is not quite wrapped. (There's no time like the present, I suppose!) ha ha hee hee
(Sorry, the pumpkin guts must have gone to my brain!) :o)
Today was pumpkin carving day! Grandma Shirley and Aunt Amanda were here to help with the event.
First we had to have a plan of attack.

Then we got to work!

I left the "gutting" to the boys and grandma.

You can see our finish products below. Look closely and you will see the resemblance between Landen and his creation!
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If you still follow the tradition of lighting your jack-o-lantern with a candle (and cutting off the top as opposed to the bottom), I do have a couple tips. I use a birthday candle. The flame is big enough to illuminate the pumpkin and it burns itself out. It will stick right into the bottom. Also, light a dry strand of spaghetti to get your flame to the candle waaayy down inside the pumpkin.
Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Laura, Love the pictures. Here's what I do for the pumpkin. Don't cut out the top; cut out the bottom. Then you have a handle and can sit the pumpkin over a candle, christmas tree lights(look awesome if you get the blinking kind).
