Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Flat Tire

Today I experienced my first flat tire. Nathan & Teresa and I were taking dinner out to a field about 15 miles from our house.
Teresa had just dozed off, Nathan was quiet, I was gratefully listening to the radio. Then something odd happened. The low tire pressure signal came on. This time it was different than the times the tires were cold or a tire had a slow leak. This time the pressure in my left rear tire was dropping--and fast. I managed to get to a safe place to stop about a mile from where David was harvesting. We hopped out and watched the tire finish its descent to pancake status.
As always in situations where I am easily stressed, my husband was super patient and we worked together to locate and lower the spare tire, and put it on.
I think I could almost do it myself if it ever happens again, but I don't want to take that chance! Having a flat tire wasn't how I planned to spend my afternoon, but at least it happened close to our destination! It could have been much worse.

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