Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Homemaker

I just finished reading an article in the November Parents magazine that covers the issue of men and women sharing household chores. Whenever I see such an article suggesting that 50/50 is the ideal goal in any marital situation, I have to admit I giggle a bit inside. Maybe that works in some parts of the world, but not in my little part.
I may sound all "Susie Homemaker," but I really don't mind handling most of the household chores. This is my job. I don't want to do David's job, so I don't expect him to want to do mine. Perhaps if I worked outside the home I would feel differently, but that still wouldn't change my reality. David's career just doesn't allow him much time in the house. So, I figure I might as well embrace the vacuum cleaner, stove top, or laundry baskets that constantly produce more clothes. If the kids and I waited for David to have time to do 50% of what I do, we would live on dirty floors, be very hungry and most probably naked.
I do not feel that women shortchange themselves by fulfilling the traditional roles in their homes. Would it give me more power to hound on David for not putting the laundry away? I'll save that battle for something more important, thank you very much.
Am I always excited about housework or cooking? Of course not! But, I know David is not always excited to work in the cold, rain, or wind either. Given a choice, I would MUCH rather mix up a batch of cookies any day!
Truth be told, I would rather David play with the kids when he is in the house, as he does, than to take that time to sweep the floor. So would they.
Have I become "too" traditional for you? Think that if you wish.
Just don't call me "Mrs. David Melius."

1 comment:

  1. My husband thinks your blog is EXCELLENT! I would have to agree. I am with you; traditional isn't necessarily bad.
