Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Keeping Inventory

One of the many tasks of a mother is keeping inventory in the home. This can be quite an overwheming task since this responsibility applies to EVERYTHING that comes into and goes out of the house.
"Do we have any more toothpaste?"
"Do you have string for my toy semi trailer?"
"Mom, where is my other elbow pad (that you have kicked around the closet for a year, but I now magically cannot find)?"
"Are there any more razors?"
"No Pepsi?"
"No more Schwan's ice cream?"
"Do we have duct tape/white paint/super glue?"
And the question I ask myself every day . . . "Why is there always only one shoe and glove per child? I KNOW I buy them in pairs!"
I have to say, I usually do pretty well. I keep a running shopping list and on a good day can make it from the bathroom to the kitchen and remember to write down anything we need from there. I have thought of putting a note pad in the bathroom, too, but so far I haven't gotten that far.
As a rule that I try to keep one, and hopefully two, extras on hand of everything we use often. After living blocks away from a grocery store for my first 22 years, I didn't really know what David was thinking when he built several large pantry shelves in our utility room. I also wondered why we had to buy the biggest deep freeze we could find with our wedding money. Now the shelves are filled to near capacity with reserve groceries and, especially when we get a quarter of beef, the larger freezer is a necessity.
Once in awhile, something catches me off guard. I come up a cup short on flour after I have started the pizza dough or realize I am down to my last tablespoon of cocoa and the brownie batter is waiting. This is when I am especially thankful for my neighbors who come to my rescue.
Now I am off to go through the boys' clothes to see what they have for the summer months. I should remember from last fall, but a mom can only keep track if so much. And, yes, most importantly, the Pepsi and ice cream supply is currently sufficient.

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