Saturday, November 2, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!
Landen decided that he was too old for such things this year, so I at least talked him into being a half-hearted cowboy.  Teresa was a cat, Nathan a ninja (except for part of the costume that was *surprise* too itchy), and Rachel was a 50's waitress.

Our travels after school brought us to Grandma and Grandpa Melius' house for cake and pizza.

After that, it was on to trick or treating!  Since Landen didn't go and Rachel fell asleep before we got there, I just had two little ambassadors to send around town gathering candy for the family.  As usual, they had to be reminded of the rules--porch lights on, wait at the door, say thank you, just take a couple if they hand you the bowl. . . they did very well.  Nathan looked out for his sister and we have very generous people in our little town. 
My favorite line was from Nathan.  They were at a house with a big bowl of candy on the porch.  I was waiting at the end of their walkway and they had both been on the porch for quite a long time.  I called them back and Nathan said that since the bowl was still pretty full, he took a lot because he "didn't want them to feel bad."  :) 
At our last stop near our house, they were both so excited.  They told me, "They told us to take as much as we wanted, and they MEANT it!" 
I have wonderful memories of trick or treating with my cousins and our dads growing up.  Now this tradition has fallen on me, but I don't mind.  It's fun every year as we get to say "Hi" to many people we don't see often.  Our community gets to see the local children, which they don't get to often since the school closed.  (I think we have more young children around here now than we did then!) 
It's always a busy day full of birthdays, costumes, treats, and cake.  But, it's always a great day.

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