Monday, May 24, 2010

Stormy Weather

We had quite the excitement weather-wise in our area on Saturday night. There were huge tornadoes about 20 miles from my hometown where my parents live and more about 30 miles south of where we live.
When bad weather comes up, I gather up my cherished possessions (all three of them) and hit the basement. This is what I did Saturday night as David was out blading the gravel road outside our house. (That didn't seem like the opportune time to finish such a task, but whatever . . . .)
David came in the house to find us all downstairs reading books. He couldn't believe that I hadn't prepared more. I didn't have shoes or coats for anyone and I still hadn't gathered flashlights when the electricity went out.
To tell you all the truth, David only heightened my anxiety when he came in the house as the storm hit. All he worried about was the sump pump not working and other mechanical things that could go wrong with such a storm. Every time he required my help, it made me more and more frustrated that I couldn't stay in the same room as my children and throw my body over them if need be.
If our house blew away and I didn't have shoes or a coat, I could borrow one from someone. There's plenty of things I would miss if I lost them, but nothing I couldn't go on without. I couldn't borrow a Landen, Nathan, or Teresa.
I am happy and thankful for my husband who thinks of the things I do not. But, his actions also brought out the "Mama Hen" in me.
When there's danger heading our way, don't mess with the nest. Today's weather is much like Saturday's. We'll see what the evening brings.

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