Saturday, May 1, 2010

Greatest Compliment

I've found that one of the greatest compliments I can receive--one I will remember for a long, long time--is when someone tells me I make what I do "look easy."
I suppose I cherish these words so much because so much of my life does not feel easy, although it probably should.
I realize our family is greatly blessed. After I started following and praying for very premature twins via CaringBridge almost two years ago, more and more CaringBridge stories started opening up to me. I now follow two pages--the twins who are now thriving--and a baby from my hometown with a rare blood vessel disorder who is also doing well.
This is not to say my "day" isn't coming. Any number of things could happen to our family, but that is in the Lord's control and not in mine. I will not ruin today worrying about any of that.
Despite these blessings, my plate nearly always seems full to overflowing with the responsibilities of parenting, being a wife, homemaker, and, at certain times of the year, drama instructor. (The latter is really more of an escape than a job.) It seems like my plate should contain a more manageable helping. I do not work full time away from home. I do not have the same number of children as many of my friends do. I do not have the medical struggles so many parents deal with on a daily basis. But, still, I often feel like a compulsive over-eater of these responsibilities which are set before me as soon as my eyes open each morning.
So, when someone tells me this overflowing-plate balancing act I perform on a daily basis "looks easy," it really does make my day. Maybe I am a better actress than I give myself credit for. :o)
Yes, my plate may be too much for me to consume most days, but thankfully it is balanced by the equally overflowing cup of love for this family and my friends for which I prayed and God so graciously granted. God is good.
Thanks, Robyn, and to all of my friends who make their jobs look easy, too. Your children show what obstinate toddlers can turn into. If mine turn out as well as yours, the future is looking pretty bright indeed.

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