Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Teresa's Tutu

I found this idea in the November 2009 Family Fun magazine. It is TOO cute and SO easy that I just had to make one! What little girl wouldn't love a tutu of her own?
I know one of these would have instantly replaced the white sheer curtains (my "wedding dress and veil") twenty-five or so years ago. At one time my career aspirations were to be a ballerina in the morning and a librarian in the afternoon (or was it the other way around--I always forget). A girl can dream, right?
I may have an aspiring ballerina/librarian of my own now. Teresa has been wearing her new tutu for most of the morning--even to read books.
The best part? It took under an hour to make and is completely no sew.

You will need:
Elastic to fit child's waist with the ends tied together
2 rolls of tulle (or more if you want additional colors--you'll just have some left over for another one)
Stretch the elastic band around a large book or shoe box. Cut a 14-inch length of tulle from each roll. Stack two pieces together and tie them to the elastic band. Continue until all elastic is covered.
The tulle at our local craft store was all so pretty, I used four different colors--turquoise, lime green, lavender, and pink.
I've also been thinking of other ways to use tulle--cut shorter to cover a headband, decorations for shoes, etc. If you have any ideas, I'd be happy to hear them, too!


  1. So cute!! I can't believe how much she looks like you, and how much she's grown. Great job on the tutu, I may want one for myself :)

  2. I really feel the moms of our generation missed out on such a wonderful piece of dress-up clothing. :o) Teresa loves her ballerina "dress" and has to have it on whenever her music starts.
