Thursday, May 21, 2015

Watery Week

Before the rain last weekend, the creek near our house wasn't even running.  This was the scene by Tuesday--up to the road and running over.  So, of course the boys had to ride their bikes through it!

Today was our last day of school, but this was the kids going to school on the second-to-last day.  We have our own marching band.  I always wanted my own marching band. :)

The last day is always bittersweet because we have a great school, the kids always love their teachers, and this really was a great year for all of them. Landen is excited to enter middle school next year. Teresa will have the same teacher again as he was moved back to 2nd grade next year. She is looking forward to that.  Nathan never had Mr. Duncan, so it's only fair that he gets Teresa twice to make up for it. :)

I don't always feel ready for summer vacation, but I do feel ready this year.
Rachel and I made one last shopping trip together to Faulkton this morning--for flowers, groceries, a strap for her sun hat (Yay for Quilter's Corner!), and library books to keep everyone reading and happy.  (It worked!)

Next up . . . baseball, baseball, and baseball, summer reading program, Vacation Bible School, reunions, a couple weddings, swimming lessons, assorted fun extras, and lots of farming, too!

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