Friday, May 15, 2015

Pioneer Girl

I know I am behind on "Most-Read"s--I warned you I wasn't good at that sort of thing! Maybe I will start that series again in the fall.  May always kind of knocks me off my regular routine with the start of farming, baseball practices, and the end of school.  :)

However, I do have a book to share!  I have started reading Pioneer Girl, which has been a very informative, entertaining and educational experience!
This first book by Laura Ingalls Wilder was in such high demand, I had to wait several months and for another printing to receive it!  I didn't expect what is really a textbook on the Ingalls family. It includes the actual story with several footnotes on every page, explaining who minor characters were or might have been in the area, etc.
Some of the scenes are familiar from the Little House books, which were adapted from Pioneer Girl into fiction to be more suitable for children to read.

If you are a Little House fan, this autobiography by Laura Ingalls Wilder would be a great addition beside your boxed set of books!

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