Thursday, April 30, 2015

Arizona Adventure

Although I returned from Arizona on Monday, things have been a bit crazy getting back to normal and preparing for my next mini-getaway to Sioux Falls with my sisters-in-law this weekend.  (This month has not been lacking for fun things to do, that is for sure!)
We looked forward to our trip for almost two years, and it definitely met all of our expectations!
I had never been to the desert before, so I was excited to see saguaro cacti.  We took many of these drive-by photos from our car!  We did find, though, once we got near our destination of Oracle, the elevation was high enough that saguaros were replaced by their prickly pear cousins.

Check out this fire I built on the first night.  All of those seasons of Survivor were finally used for something!  OK, so I did have a lighter and toilet paper to start it, but it was still an impressive little fire. :)  Arizonans are very proud of their starry skies.  We didn't burst their bubble and tell them that we can also see the Milky Way anytime we want to. :)  It does make one realize what we take for granted living in the country!

After a delicious breakfast at the Oracle Patio Cafe Saturday morning, we took a little hike in Oracle State Park. We also toured a historic ranch house.

Soon it was time to be present as Sarae got married!  Isn't she a beautiful bride?

 The next day, we toured Biosphere 2, which is now used for research for the University of Arizona. Eight people lived inside for 2 years in the early 1990's, attempting to survive on what they could grow inside.  I was out after I read that they could only have one cup of coffee every two weeks or so!  It was a very impressive place, and unlike anything I had ever seen before (although the rain forest did remind me of the Omaha Zoo).  Learn more about Biosphere 2 here.

All too soon it was time to say goodbye to our friends the cacti and return home.

It was a weekend of wonderful laughs, food, and all-around good times.  We didn't see any snakes or scorpions, so that was a good thing for sure.  These women are part of my crazy tribe and there's no one else I would rather be stuck in Biosphere 2 with! I can't wait until our next adventure!

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