Monday, September 16, 2013


I had just waved goodbye to the big kids this morning and started washing the sticky oatmeal bowls before they got too out of hand.  (Yes, I am surviving without the dishwasher, but its presence is still missed.) 
As I was looking out the window, I saw our dog Callie carry something to the lawn that I supposed was a diaper from the junk barrel.  I made a mental note to pick it up later. 
Then she dropped it and I saw her bundle was not a diaper--it was a kitten.
Have I mentioned that I'm not a particularly big cat lover?  Well, I'm not, but I'm not going to let my dog maul one nor am I going to leave it for dead.  I picked it up and it had been injured on its leg, either by Callie or by something else.  I brought it in the house, put it in a laundry basket bed, sprayed its leg with wound spray that I had from Callie's last injury, and showed Rachel her new friend.
Just as I was showing David my discovery, we looked out and saw Callie was bringing ANOTHER kitten up to the house!  She dropped it, but even though the mother cat was within feet of it, she wouldn't take it back.
So, to Rachel's delight, she now had 2 new friends to play with!
The boys modified our little dog house for them tonight and we've been feeding them.  They have moved out to the barn.  I don't know if the one with the hurt leg will make it, but we tried. 
Farm cats come and go, but we do our best to make their time here as comfortable as possible.
We're thinking this previously wild cat wishes he had stayed that way.  :) 

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