Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas is a Comin'

and the geese are getting fat, please put a penny in the old man's hat . . . ." 
(Come on mid-1990's EHS chorus members!  Sing it with me!!)

So, how have you all been this week?

Life has been going pretty well around here.  Rachel has been a content baby and has been sleeping for three hour stretches at night--just as all of her siblings did as newborns.  I didn't even have to tell her that was one of the rules!  What a smart little girl.

(This photo didn't make the cut for our Christmas card, but it was my favorite.)
You know when you work and work on a puzzle and you think it is completed, only to get to the end to find out you are missing a piece right out of the middle?  Rachel is that piece in this crazy Melius family puzzle.  We're so glad God was keeping her safe in His plan for us all along! 
We are looking forward to seeing our families over the next couple weekends and Rachel's baptism on January 1.
May you have a blessed Christmas if I don't "see" you again before then!

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