Friday, April 9, 2010


How busy is busy enough? Who sets the bar for what is the right amount of busyness? And, why do we all think we are THE busiest?
Ask almost anyone how they are doing. If they don't say, "Fine." (even though they may not be), they will most probably answer, "Busy." I've even said it myself several times.
Busyness can be good or bad. Some people bring their busyness on themselves because they cannot stand to be idle even for a moment. On the other hand, some people's busyness is entirely out of their control because of too many commitments or having to work multiple jobs, and they are miserable because of it.
Not long ago, I was working on a project with someone and I told her I would get started after I sorted through the three things I already had going on. She answered, "I have had ten things on my mind." I know there was no malice intended, but I still almost answered, "OK, you win." What does one receive when he or she wins a busyness contest? I must not have ever won since I don't remember receiving any prize.
Isn't it strange that we all think we are SO busy, but yet at the same time look at others and think they must have all the time in the world? I look at moms of grown children and sometimes--OK, often--envy their "extra" time. But, it seems they are just as busy as they ever were--just with different things! Take stay-at-home moms, too, for example. Even if you acknowledge that staying home is not an easy job, I am sure you have at times envied our "extra" time, too.
All it takes for me to think I have extra time is to leave my home for a few hours. While I'm gone, I think of all the things I will be able to accomplish when I return home. I will finally get to cleaning the insides of my windows or get working on that knit afghan I started. It never turns out that way. Inevitably, my husband or children will have other plans, it will be time to prepare a meal, or something else will be more pressing.
As far as my blogging hobby, be aware that my dusting seriously suffers because of it. If dusting was more important to me, I would definitely be too busy to do such things with my time.
There's really nothing wrong with being busy, as long as you are happy with it. Overall, I am pretty OK with my level of busyness, especially in the fall & spring when I am involved with my high school drama coaching/directing, and my current MS fundraising. It seems this gives me the right balance of at home and out of home experiences.
If you feel you are constantly too busy, maybe some things can be changed in your life to make it more enjoyable. Just know that I am not interested in competing in any busyness contests. If you are over scheduling yourself or your family solely for the sake of winning the title of "Busiest Person of the City/State/Country/World," you win.
I just do not have the time. I am much too busy.

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