Friday, July 19, 2013

Happy Times

Today was the Summer Party for the Library Reading Program.  It was held at the Faulkton Happy Times Carousel.  Area children read 3,717 books and it was time to celebrate!
If you're not familiar with The Carousel City, Faulkton has a wonderful free carousel as a unique highlight of their town.  Volunteers keep it running a few afternoons/evenings a week and kids of all ages, even moms, love it. 
Last week, as we dropped the reading lists off at the library, the kids noticed that the carousel had just opened.  We had to take a ride!  Everyone chose their horses and we were off.  Rachel immediately loved it, saying, "Oooo!  Oooo!  Oooo!" as I held her on and we spun around the circle. 
(And you do spin rather quickly on this one--the fewer the riders the faster it goes!) 
Today I had just planned to drop off Teresa for the party.  (Nathan decided that he would rather work with Dad).  But, as soon as we pulled up and Rachel saw the carousel horses, she started with her, "Oooo!  Oooo!" again.  So, we stayed for the fun, too.  It all worked out and was fun for everyone since some of my good friends were there with their kids and grandkids, too. 
And there were snow cones.  How could we go wrong?
Teresa rode almost continuously, taking a break only for her snow cone.  No wonder she still felt like she was spinning after we got home!
It was a fun, Happy, morning for my girls and me.

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