Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hog barns and bar bathrooms

Here's the promised Part 2 of today's previous post . . . .
I may not know a whole lot about how to build or remodel a house, but a do know how to decorate one.  (Thanks to getting ideas from other people who have already done it.)
If you follow me on Pinterest, you might have seen an influx of ideas for kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry spaces on my boards lately. 
As soon as I found out this project was a "GO," I started to think about paint colors and decor.  I am practical enough to know that this will be the kids' bathroom after we are through living downstairs.  Also, this isn't going to be a laundry room for just kinda-dirty city clothes.  It will still clean the same muddy and cow manured clothes it always has. 
Knowing that, I'm not planning on anything too dainty, but I do think a fun shade of green paint would be nice.  Maybe not one of these shades, but A shade of green.  I also have a few ideas for a counter top, laundry sorting, and baskets that I haven't had before. 
Relating to that topic, here's a little story you might like . . . .
Back up to Saturday as we cleaning up the last of the cement chunks from the basement.  David was looking at the smaller room which will have the shower and toilet and was expressing concern about moisture over the years (a valid concern, since we will have to remodel our upstairs bathroom before this is over, too.) 
Then he said, "We should get some of that panel to put in the bathroom (look of panic from me---I HATE paneling!!!) . . . well, you see it in hog barns." 

After nearly 12 years, I know enough not to freak out and just let things be.  So, I took a shower and gathered my thoughts.
As we were sitting around the table having a snack with the boys, I told him, "You know, if you want me to consider your ideas for the house, you cannot tell me that 'you see it in hog barns.'"
"Well," he answered, "you know what I mean.  You see it in bar bathrooms."
WOW.  Big upgrade there.  We have now gone from smelly hog urine to drunk male urine.  It is true that our boys are not the neatest in their bathroom habits sometimes, but I do not anticipate needing a pressure washer to hose the walls down! 
Again, I kept my mouth shut and that's how it will stay.  I know what battles are important and that one is not worth it.  I will be the one handling the painting, decorating, and LACK of paneling that will be put up.  All necessary steps and the right kind of sheet rock/paint will be chosen for a high-moisture environment--something we were too young to consider 12 years ago when we remodeled the upstairs. 
Yes, he is still Super Husband, my hero with a backhoe and knowledge of all-things construction, but there are some things just better left up to the woman of the house.  :o)

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