Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"She'll Be Fine."

This is what I have needed to hear from a surgeon for 6 weeks. 
Of course, Rachel's surgery is all in God's hands and He will determine the outcome, but to hear these words from Dr. Wetjen today was a bucket of water on a wildfire of fear. 
I admit the news that she was too old for endoscopic surgery was not welcome, but he quickly assured me that it was not the worst thing that could happen.  The procedure she will have (probably sometime in November) will take care of everything at once.  No helmet or future surgeries.  And when the tears still came (even though I apologized for being too emotional,) he told me she'd be fine.  He has done many, many of these and they have been done for many, many years.
Alright.  He had my vote.
On a side note, did you know the covering of the brain looks like a reptile egg?
I saw a picture of it today and, strangely, it made me feel a whole lot better, too.
The unknown and "what-if's" were all so much worse than the actual appointment, which was actually quite pleasant (except for having to use a Mayo Clinic tissue or two).
I'm not saying I won't have a few freak-out days before the surgery, but I really hope they will be less often.
A couple of weeks ago, we heard Jesus say in the Gospel, "Do not be afraid.  Just have faith."
I'm trying, Lord, I really am!

1 comment:

  1. Laura
    It was so great to see you over the weekend! I am glad that your appointment went as well as it did. Rachel and the rest of your family are in my prayers as you continue on this journey. Karen
