Sunday, September 26, 2010


Sometimes as parents we begin to acquire another language without even realizing it.
Teresa's favorite pattern is polka dots. She has a polka-dotted dress that is her favorite. She calls it her "coconut" dress. She also has "coconut" pants. She would love to have coconuts everywhere in her world--preferably pink or purple ones.
Yesterday morning David and I were questioning our boys on their eating habits at school. Mealtime is not as messy as it used to be, but they still each leave something to be desired. When Landen was in preschool, the class ate lunch in their room and each child was responsible for his or her own cleanup.
This year Nathan's class is eating in the lunchroom. Landen told us they don't have to clean up after themselves because the "janerator" comes around to do it. David and I tried not to laugh, but we just couldn't hide our giggles behind our coffee mugs. We assured them that they didn't have to give the "janerators" even more to do!

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