Sunday, May 18, 2014

Deja Vu Letter "U"

It was about 8 years ago when the boys (then 3 and 1) and I went with David in the pickup to check our pasture fence.  Since he was taking awhile, and the boys were being a little rambunctious (as they were often known to be), I decided to step outside for a few minutes of fresh air.
Then I heard it.
The boys locked themselves inside the pickup.  They weren't in any danger, but we did need to get home.  Thankfully, Landen knew his letters by then and, with my coaching, could readily push the "U" to unlock the door.

Would you believe the exact same thing happened tonight on the same ground (now a field) in about the same exact place?
The girls and I were waiting for David to return with the semi this evening.  We were all picking some rock around the pickup for something to do, and then the girls decided to go into the pickup.  Teresa came out, but Rachel did not.  When I tried to open the door a few minutes later, it was locked with a smiling Rachel inside.
Fortunately, she also knows her letters (or most of them, as it turns out), so I thought it would be a piece of cake to get her out.  Unfortunately, she hadn't quite made it to "U," yet.  She knew "L" very well and pushed that several times, but the "U" right beside it just didn't make sense to her.  Finally, we tried it with the driver's side door and she learned the letter "U!" 

We told David the story when he returned and, when we came home later tonight, he made the comment to Rachel that she learned how to get out of the pickup today.
She looked at her Daddy, smiled, and said, "U!" 
Yes, we all learn something new every day.
And sometimes we get to experience deja vu, too.

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