Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"Mom! There's White Smoke!"

As it turns out, I didn't need to sign up for (even though they did deliver on their promise of a timely alert).  I had my Teresa running down the stairs excited to share the news! 

I know it is just a simple thing . . . my five-year-old daughter running down the stairs to tell me something she knew we had been waiting for.  But, yet, it was such a beautiful moment that touched my heart.  She knew, in her own little, way that this was a big day for the Church.  She was so genuinely excited to see the white smoke pouring from the chimney.  It brought tears to my eyes--it really did. 

Thank God I decided to do my semi-annual ironing shortly before the Special Report so that the scene could happen as it did. :o)

I fail my children on a regular basis.  I may never read the school lunch menu or always forget about show and tell on Wednesdays or not make Teresa brush her hair when we're at home, (even though I should), but for us, it all comes down to THIS ONE THING--David and I providing a SOLID FOUNDATION FOR OUR CHILDREN'S CHRISTIAN FAITH.  When any of them show excitement about any aspect of this faith, it is better than anything else in the world for me.  Yes, I may fail my children once or twice in their childhoods, but I hope I never fail them in matters of faith. 

After a looong time of waiting, (and Teresa ultimately deciding cartoons were the way to go), we found out that former Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina, now Pope Francis, is our new Holy Father.  We once again have a Pope who will lead us, hopefully for many, many years, and, among other things, rebuild this Church as his namesake was entrusted to do.  He will need our prayers as he prays for us.

Habemus Papam!
(We have a Pope!)
Yeah, I picked up a little Latin today, too.  It really was a big day. :o)

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