Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Phil 4:8 Focus #3--Whatever is Admirable

Each year, our school's FBLA chapter holds "Sucker Sales" over Valentine's Day.
Parents, staff and students can buy Blow Pops for other students and include a message for their recipient. Each sucker costs 25 cents, and judging by the number just my kids bring home, it is a lucrative fundraiser.
Last year, Nathan received a sucker from a senior that he really admired--especially from watching him play basketball. It meant so much to him that this older student even knew who he was AND sent him a sucker!
This year, my girls were also recipients of surprise suckers from older girls, who they look up to in church and sports. It is amazing what a 25 cent sucker can do for someone's day . . . and it reaches even farther than that. (Landen doesn't share who sends him suckers anymore, but I know he receives them, too.) :)

And so, as this time of year reminds me of whom my children admire, for this week's Phil 4:8 Focus, I am thinking about Whatever is Admirable.
Who do you admire and why do you admire them? There are several people in my life whom I admire and all for different reasons, be it their strength, faith, sense of humor, and the list goes on. Believe it or not, there are no doubt several people who admire YOU as well!

There are many different ways to approach this week's focus. . . 

Thank someone in person, or in a note, for their qualities you admire. 

Thank someone whom your children admire for setting a good example for them to follow. It doesn't have to be elaborate--just a sentence is good! We all know it is not easy to set a good example and to let a student or adult know you appreciate their efforts can make a real difference in their lives, too.

Think about a quality you admire and pass it along to someone else. For example, do you admire generosity? You could volunteer an hour or two at your local school, senior center or nursing home. Or, you could send a $5 gift card to someone who isn't expecting it. If this makes you uncomfortable, you can keep it anonymous! 

Let's thank those whom we ADMIRE and be ADMIRABLE this week. :)

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