Friday, August 25, 2017

A Good First Day

Rachel had a great first day!
She was up early and ready to go.  (This shouldn't surprise me, as she has always been the first one up for the day.  A couple of years ago, when I called downstairs to wake up the big kids, I would only hear her little voice calling back saying, "In a mimmute!")
She played with her old friends, made some new ones, and already planned a play date on the way home from school.  She has 26 kids in her class.
She has a library number and a lunch number.
She met a teacher named Mr. Redman.
She didn't like her lunch, but she ate her peas and orange peppers with ranch.
She rested, but she didn't sleep at naptime.
She didn't say any bad words, but she thought them in her mind.
When asked if she likes school, she replied, "I LOOOOOVE IT!"

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