Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Best Christmas Vacation Ever

A few years ago, when the big 3 were little and drew a closer resemblance to three fighting cats than my adorable children during their waking hours, I came across a sign that read,
"There is harmony in our home." 
HA!  Nothing could have been farther from the truth.  Complete chaos?  Perhaps.  Constant discord?  Closer.  Harmony????  Not even a little.
But, then came Christmas Vacation 2012-13.
We did have a "nightmarish" start to our vacation, but things took a turn for the better soon after that.  In the end, there was so singing around the EdenPure, that is true, but Nathan and Teresa did have many heated discussions over whose turn it was to stand in front of it.  (We actually have two heaters, but what fun is that??) 
That really wasn't part of the harmony, but stick with me . . . .
The BEST part of this break was that the kids' vacation was an "old school" one.  It all started with the bunk beds and creating a new space for themselves.  That excitement really has radiated through the entire time as they find new places to put their things.  The boys used up all of my nails hanging pictures.  Only my boys use nails to hang up a sheet of paper, but I noticed that a bit too late.  Oh, well.  The holes will paint over if we ever need to!  
The next day Nathan found the Nerf guns in the toy room that they hadn't played with all year.  That fun lasted at least two days (except for poor Teresa--she was often the hunted animal). 
After the smaller toy room had been cleaned out, Landen found a stack of unopened blank cassette tapes and they all started recording their voices on my old tape recorder (that I once received from Santa many, many years ago) and giggling at themselves. 
They did play Wii and watch TV, but it was minimal and they didn't even really ask for it. 
Today I overheard Landen say, "Nathan, please move off my chair."
Who are these children????  I don't know, but I like it A LOT!
It seems maybe we have entered a new stage in our family dynamic.  A more independent stage.  A "use your words instead of your fist" stage. 
Even if it's temporary, it's one I have been looking forward to. 
These past weeks were like being on vacation, a true "stay-cation," I suppose. 
But, you always want to end your vacation before it gets old.
We are ready to take on school tomorrow!
P.S.  Landen's bus driver (also our neighbor Camille) found the lost gift card.  No more living nightmare for him . . . for now!

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