It's a bumper crop for me anyway! It is exciting to see our garden starting to produce. Today we picked enough strawberries for the kids' afternoon snack. I was hoping to eventually get enough for a pie, but I think they will all be eaten right from the patch before that can happen. I hope the mixture of "June bearers" and "Ever bearers" will continue to give us strawberries for most of the summer.
I also used a couple sprigs of Rosemary for my slow-cooked chicken today. That was very yummy as well. I recently received some yummy recipes from cousin-in-law Jan that I am excited to try once my tomatoes, cilantro, onions, and basil are all ready to eat. This is my first year for herbs and I'm not always sure what to use them for, but I have been trusting my nose so far. If it smells like pizza, it must be good in Italian cooking. Salsa? Must be Mexican. I'm still not sure what I am going to use the spearmint for, even though that was the herb I first planted and most wanted. I might have to try some new iced teas or summer cocktails that include mint.
So far so good for this summer's gardening projects. Except for the blueberry plant. I regret to inform everyone that it did not make it. It's probably for the best--my family all likes strawberries better anyway.
You could try Mojitos with the spearmint! That would be yummy