Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Teresa brought this beautiful butterfly home from kindergarten last spring.  It was the centerpiece of our fridge art until today, when I decided to make room for new creations.  That's when I noticed it.

It has been backwards all of these months!  I can't believe Teresa never said anything!  It does make a lot more sense this way.  So now I'll enjoy the FRONT of the butterfly in my office for awhile. :) 

In other news pertaining to PERSPECTIVE, Nathan found his glasses tonight!  

(Photo from last fall.)

The glasses had been lost for MONTHS and all rescue missions had ceased LONG ago.  They weren't at school or in his book bag and I had been over (I thought, anyway), every inch of the house cleaning after our big remodel.  It turns out they were on a shelf in his room all along and none of us saw them.  (They do have several shelves with A LOT of books and stuff on them, but nothing has ever hidden that well on them before!)  It's a pre-Labor Day miracle!!!  
Every once in awhile, Nathan would start begging me to buy him a new pair, even though he disliked the way they felt when he had them and nearly always complained about them.  I refused because 1) They are the weakest prescription one can have and 2) You just don't go around losing your glasses!  You just don't.  
And guess what?  He can see SO much better now.  Just like when I give Landen Tylenol for a "headache" and he says he can feel it working as he walks out of the bathroom.  
Yes, it is a small miracle, I tell you.  I haven't seen that boy that happy in a very long time.

So, let today be a lesson for all of us.  Let's take a moment to turn things around if what we're looking at seems backward (and even if it doesn't at first).  You never know.  The other side might be even more beautiful.  Or, at the very least, it may have googly eyes to bring it all together.

And, always keep track of your glasses.  Life is so much clearer with them on.

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