Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I always get a little uncomfortable when someone mentions finding my "passion."  The problem is 1) I don't KNOW what my passion is 2) If I knew it, I feel like I wouldn't have time to pursue it anyway.
I felt the same way when I saw the subject of Shauna Niequist's newest blog post "On Finding Your Passion" in my inbox yesterday.  Thankfully, I opened it and discovered something great--I don't HAVE to know what my passion is.  What a relief!
I first "met" Shauna on a MOPS DVD several months ago.  I loved what she had to say about being realistic in our vocation and encouraging to other mothers.  I read her book Bittersweet on vacation and liked that as well.
It is easy for the world to make me feel otherwise, but I know that the vocation I have to help in raising our children is the most important.  I really am grateful to be a mom and blessed to be able to stay at home with my children.  Even though I haven't always appreciated it, God knows that I'm at my best when I am focused.  Truth be told, if I had had a full-time job these past ten years like I so often thought I would like, it would not have gone well.  Many women do it and do it well.  I am humble enough to say I know my limitations.

But, what about that PASSION that is all my own?
It's hard to pursue something I can't identify or really, really focus on.

That's why I really appreciated Shauna's thoughts.  Maybe I've been expecting too much at once.  Maybe I need to be more efficient with the free time I do have.  Maybe it's just not my time yet.  And so I'll look for the clues and pieces to the passion puzzle.

Have you found YOUR passion?

If so, tell me how! :)

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