Friday, March 16, 2012

A Little Faith for Little Ones

As I've mentioned before, we have quite a collection of children's Bibles and Bible stories in our family's bookcase.  Our kids like to read them and I often use them in my Lent and Easter decorations.  Usually I have them open to their Easter pages, but this year Landen has been reminding us that we don't use the "A" word during Lent.  He is correct.  (Landen says I'm not allowed to say it, but I can tell you that it starts with "Alle" and ends with "luia.")  :o)  So, we will save the pictures of the Easter story until it is time to celebrate and proclaim that wonderful word again! 
I added a couple of new books to our collection this year.
The book pictured above is My First Pictures of Easter, a board book that illustrates from Palm Sunday until the Easter celebration. All of the pages follow this same format, with a large picture on the left and several smaller pictures illustrating that scene on the right, with each picture briefly described or including a quote from the Bible. 

The My First Catechism is another wonderful little board book that illustrates sacraments, Christmas, Easter, and prayers of the church.  This little Catechism would make a great gift for a baptism or an Easter basket surprise, which is where our girls will be finding theirs.  If there was something else out there like this in print before, I hadn't found it.  I was so excited when I found this one!  Finally, a Catholic catechism for young children that wasn't published in the 1970's.  Thank you, author Christine Pedotti and Ignatius Press! 
This probably sounds like an ad, but I assure you it is not.  No one gets paid at this blog!  I just wanted to share these great little finds with you today.

May the rest of your Lent be blessed and may you never find bacon bits in your Friday clam chowder! 

Just a little Catholic humor . . . couldn't resist. :o)

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