Saturday, October 29, 2011

Peaceful Transition

October was kind to us, and so our lighter jackets have kept us all warm enough--up until now. 
This morning Landen needed his winter coat and snow pants (for warmth--not snow, thankfully!) to help Dad and Grandpa outside. 
In a totally uncharacteristic move, I took an inventory of all the kids' winter stuff when I finally put it away for the summer.  I don't think the weather warmed up enough until June, but eventually the coats, hats, and boots DID go into storage for a few short months. 
Everyone needs two of everything (one for farm, one for good) for each season, and I inevitably forget what sizes we have on hand or which closet I have put what in by the time winter rolls around again!

This conversation happens every year.
The setting:  An unsuspecting fall morning around the Melius breakfast table
David:  "The kids need winter coats today."
Me:  (peering over my coffee cup with a panicked/annoyed look on my face) thinking, "Why am I NEVER prepared for this day?"
David:  "Do you know where they are?" 
Me:  (thinking, "Toilet paper?  Check.  Milk in the fridge?  Check.  Extra bottle of shampoo in the cupboard?  Check.  Homework done?  Check.  Winter coats and boots?  UGH!!!"
Then I say something like, "Umm . . . I guess I have been too busy keeping track of the level of EVERYTHING else in this house." 
David:  Now slightly annoyed; makes some suggestion on how I could be more organized.
Me:  Run to the storeroom and see what the kids will fit into after three months of growing--usually with only a few minutes to look.  If I am lucky, I find what they need before they need to run out the door.

Well, not today, my friends!

Blame it on a fit of nesting or a moment of genius (probably the former), but for ONCE I was prepared for this seasonal transition.  My coffee was still even warm when I returned from my quick run downstairs to find Landen's coat!
I won't become too confident, though. 
Spring is only a few months away and I haven't yet found the time or ambition to inventory our spring/summer gear.

Still, I'll take one peaceful transition over none!

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