Saturday, September 10, 2011

Salsa Time!

I LOVE my friend Roxanne's salsa.  Quite often when we visit their house, she will make a big bowl of it and I won't leave that bowl for the rest of the night.  Today we decided to can some of the wonderful stuff. 
It was her first time canning, and I have never canned salsa before, so we were hoping our efforts would be a success. 
This is what my kitchen looked like for most of the morning as our salsa assembly line was working.  We employed child labor for awhile.  Oh, and we had some milk spills and a particularly big Marshmallow Mateys cereal avalanche at one time, too.  We had to keep it exciting!
 Our jars look pretty and they sealed, so all looks good so far!  By the time we had everything chopped, it was impossible to follow the recipe exactly.  We went by taste (which I was happy to help out with).  Some batches are hot and some are more mild.  We should name this "Surprise Salsa" because we won't know which it will be until it is opened!
Homemade Salsa
2 14 oz. cans whole tomatoes, blended to texture of choice (or the same amount of  fresh tomatoes)
1 medium green pepper, chopped
1/2 medium onion, chopped
3 medium jalapenos, blistered in a frying pan, chopped and seeded
1 T. minced garlic
1/2 to 3/4 bunch cilantro, chopped
salt and red pepper to taste

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