Growing up, my family went to either the Twin Cities or the Black Hills for our vacations. On a good summer, we did both. This happened to be one of those summers for me!
It is about a 5 hour drive to reach the Black Hills from our home. I don't know how many times Teresa asked on the way out west, "When will we be at vacation?" No matter how many times we told her we were already on vacation, she just kept asking. Then I realized, she thinks she has to be in a hotel to be on vacation! Sure enough, as soon as we checked into our hotel in Spearfish and she was wheeling her suitcase into the door, she exclaimed, "This is a fun vacation!" It started all over the next morning when we checked out of that hotel and headed south through the hills. That poor girl spent very little of this trip "on vacation."
Our first destination was Roughlock Falls in Spearfish Canyon. It was about a mile hike to the overlook. They weren't all that impressed with the scenery until they were allowed to get out of the van and explore. Then they LOVED it.
We made our way south and found Mount Rushmore that afternoon. Our little passengers were getting restless, but screamed with excitement when they caught a glimpse of the faces. The last time we visited, I was pregnant with Teresa. When I told her she was in my tummy, she said, "It was dark in there." This time she had a nice sunny day and a better view. :o) I don't know what it is about Mount Rushmore, but it never ceases to amaze me, no matter how many times I visit.
Landen took this photo on our hike through the monument's walkways. There is a little cave with a great view along the way.
We spent that night in Keystone, which is a little tourist town just a couple of miles from Mount Rushmore. I think it is so much fun! My favorite place is a taffy shop in amongst the tourist shops. They make their own candy in tons of flavors. On any other day, I can resist taffy. But, there is just something about Keystone taffy and experiencing it on every trip I make to the Black Hills. David didn't want to accompany me downtown, so I had a quiet little walk by myself that evening. Everyone appreciated the treats I brought back!
Our next day took us farther south along Iron Mountain Road. There are many, many places to catch a glimpse of Mount Rushmore along the way. The most striking are the rock-carved tunnels that frame the faces as you drive through. (My photos of that didn't turn out due to the overcast day.) The kids loved looking for the presidents every place we stopped to explore. We stopped at one overlook to take a family picture.
Here's Nathan peeking out from behind a rock. Of course, he was our most fearless explorer (which could have been dangerous without dad close behind)!
David and the kids also hiked amongst the Needles on Needles Highway that afternoon. They thought those were pretty neat to see. This is a photo of the Needle's Eye. These tall rocks stand out amongst themselves and seem to come out of nowhere when you are driving up to them.
There is one very steep and twisty slide that starts in the inside and goes to the outside pool. All three "boys" loved this one! David apologized that I was pregnant and couldn't experience it. I assured him that I probably wouldn't be brave enough to go down it, even if I was medically cleared to try!
That about covers our adventure. We did quite well hitting some of the high points the Black Hills has to offer in just two days--even if Teresa was only on "vacation" for a very limited time!Now . . . on to school in just 2 short days!
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