Thursday, March 25, 2010

Shopping Weekend

This list will be entirely devoted to the things I love about our annual Melius Sisters-In-Law Sioux Falls Shopping Trip with my sisters Angela, Katie, & Jodi. This year's trip begins TOMORROW!! I do not love that we will be short one sister this year, but we have agreed to have a glass of wine (or two) in her honor. We'll make sure you make up for it next year, Jodi! I am SO excited for our third annual weekend!
41. listening to only MY music for 3 hours in a very quiet vehicle
42. my wonderful mother-in-law for helping David with the kids so I can go at all
43. mapping out our plan of attack once we all meet up in Sioux Falls
44. Gordman's, Hobby Lobby . . . and the list goes on
45. eating--anywhere is good!
46. Kohl's sales
47. Cold Stone Creamery
48. even more yummy food at Rick & Katie's
49. talking and laughing
50. getting up on Saturday and putting in a marathon bargain hunting day

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