The backs of cookbooks have the most interesting recipes--usually including, but not limited to, play dough, bubbles, garlic pickles, and . . . ice cream. Sadly, I was never able to make the homemade ice cream recipes even though they sounded SO yummy. If you've ever had homemade ice cream, you know how delicious it is. We were at a family birthday party a few weeks ago and homemade ice cream was served with the cake. Landen was in ice cream heaven!
Thankfully, my mom didn't forget my wish for an ice cream freezer even though I forgot to put it on my list this year. Even better, she found us a really awesome one! (I should maybe give my dad some of the credit, too, but we all know who does the shopping.) :o)
There is no mixing or salt involved with this cool little gadget. All we have to do is freeze the base, mix up our ingredients, put it altogether, pour the ingredients in the freezer and twenty minutes later we have delicious homemade ice cream!
Our first batch yesterday was Mint Oreo (tinted green, of course) and today's flavor is Vanilla M&M. Our ice cream production will now be at a standstill until I can get to the grocery store and buy more cream. We all know how dangerous it is for me to have cream in the house--I better take on a few more matches of Wii tennis every day!
Now if I can just get a candy thermometer and a melon baller for Christmas next year, I will be able to make just about EVERYTHING.
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